Do you run a business or are part of an organisation that wants to be part of the games? Do you host activities suitable for kids and families? We’d love to hear from you!

At our games we can offer a number of stalls for £30 for businesses and free for fellow non-profits. If you are based locally in the PH35 postcode, or a new business (trading for less than a year) a discounted stall pitch is available. Most stalls provide their own gazebo but we can provide a limited number of tables under our stretch tent. Our games expect to see about a thousand visitors, weather depending. We are keen to promote stalls and businesses in advance through this website and our social media. See our gallery for examples of stalls we’ve hosted in the past.

If you could run an activity, please get in touch with a fully costed up proposal. The committee will work with you to see if its a good fit for this years games. As an example, we have had sword fighting demos, axe throwing, Atlas Stone Lifting, Face Painting, Hamish the Unicorn, a Climbing Wall and many more in the past.

Stalls and Attractions

You can also email for more details; or phone 07706152492