Get involved

Helping with the Highland Games can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You will be getting involved right at the heart of your community to put together an event that forms the Highlight or many locals and visitors. You will be in the thick of it when competitors from all over Scotland gather, when enthusiastic kids explore unique attractions and when local artisans and craftspeople display their wares. Here’s how you could get involved:

The Committee: These are the people that look after the games year round. There are a number of positions on the committee (such as treasurer, secretary, fundraising, publicity, bookings, competitions, etc.). This group meets every month, increasing to weekly in the two months before the games to make sure everything is in place.

Stewards: At the gate, the parking or generally around the field, the stewards help on the day to guide everyone to where they want to be. They answer questions, take entry payments, keep information flowing. You are involved in the immediate set up of the games and during the day.

Set-up/ Break down: The games require a fair bit of infrastructure that needs to be set up and tidied away close to the Games Day. We are grateful for every helping hand that is around during the week before and after the games to help out. Depending on availability, this job is done with no more than 3 short days.

Competitions: During the games, volunteer judges take the results of the competitions, they are then run to the games hut where records are kept for our archives and for publication. The kids events are run by another handful of people who direct the children, keep records and oversee the equipment. These roles require a little preparation on the day, and are otherwise a one day commitment.

MC/ Chieftain: The games are hosted by a chieftain. An announcer keeps visitors informed of events throughout the day. They are the faces of the games and involved in many different aspects - though the bulk of their preparations happens in two days before the games and then on the day itself.

Interested in helping out? Get in touch.

Or email us on or call 07706152492 for more details.